Informations on Antiquity, scholarly publications and conferences, etc.
Latin inscriptions.
Greek and Latin literary sources.
Packhum - Searchable Greek Inscriptions
Greek inscriptions.
French translations of Greek and Latin texts, sometimes with the original text.
Greek Bible
The Greek New Testament with parsing function for every word.
New Testament Gateway
New Testament resources site hosted by Dr Mark Goodacre (Duke University), featuring links to articles, online books, teaching material, and podcasts
The Gnosis Archive
Features English translations of the Nag Hammadi Library, and various resources for study of 'Gnostic' literature
Early Christian Writings
English translations of numerous early Christian texts (canonical, apocryphal, church fathers and more) from the early-first century CE to the late-fourth century CE. Also features some links to scholarly resources
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
English translations of masses of Christian literature, searchable and browsable by author.