
Displaying 201 - 235 of 235
Bibliographical references:
Septimius Severus, Propagator Imperii, Roman Attitudes Toward the Christians: From Claudius to Hadrian , L’impact de la Legio IIIA Augusta dans les provinces romaines d’Afrique. L’aspect religieux, Recherches à Lambèse : I. La ville et les camps. II. Aquae Lambaesitanae, The North African Stones Speak , Remarques sur quelques inscriptions de Lambèse, Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, L'armée romain à Gholaia
Language: English
Nid: 5143
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, Victory of propaganda: the dynastic aspect of the imperial propaganda of the Severi ; the literary and archaeological evidence, AD 193-235 , Septimius Severus: The African Emperor, “Septimius Severus: The Augustan Emperor” , Commodus: an emperor at the crossroads, The Roman empire after his death, The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine, Mutilation and transformation: damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial portraiture
Language: English
Nid: 5050
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Real Lives of Roman Britain, Septimius Severus: The African Emperor, The Roman Frontier Land, The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine
Language: English
Nid: 5052
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Marble copy of the 'clipeus aureus' (Golden Shield) of Augustus.
Bibliographical references:
“Le sanctuaire d’Auguste et les cryptoportiques d’Arles” , “Virtutes Romanorum nach dem Zeugnis der Münzen republikanischer Zeit”, Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, The Moral and Political Tradition of Rome , Augustan Culture, An Interpretative Introduction, “Le Clipeus virtutis d’Arles et la composition des Res Gestae Divi Augusti”, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Nid: 3115
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

An Ephesian notable is honoured for his extraordinary benefactions, especially, those concerning the Roman army.

Bibliographical references:
Of Stones and Stonecutters: Reflections on the Genesis of Two Parallel Texts from Ephesos, Ephesos und der Etappendienst zwischen der Nord- und Ostfront des Imperium Romanum, Les émissions de monnaies d'homonoia et les crises alimentaires en Asie sous Marc-Aurèle, Ein ephesischer Kult der ‘Victoria Romanorum’ und das sogenannte Parthermonument, Orner la cité: enjeux culturels et politiques du paysage urbain dans l'Asie gréco-romaine, Orateurs et sophistes grecs dans les inscriptions d’époque impériale, Die Grammateis von Ephesos, The Sitonia in the Cities of Asia Minor under the Principate (I), The Sitonia in the Cities of Asia Minor under the Principate (II)
Language: English
Nid: 4190
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Law, Language, and Empire in the Roman Tradition , Writing, language and society: Iberians, Celts and Romans in Northeastern Spain in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, Further Aspects of the Tabula Contrebiensis, Instrumenta Imperii: Law and Imperialism in Republican Rome, El nuevo bronce latino de Contrebia, Contrebia Belaisca II: Tabula Contrebiensis, Roman Law in the Provinces: some problems of transmission, Las fórmulas procesales del Bronce de Contrebia, The Tabula Contrebiensis: Roman law in Spain in the early first century, Social mobility in the hispanic provinces in the republican period, Roman Law in the Provinces
Language: English
Nid: 5957
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Claudius sends a letter to the local institutions of Thasos giving thanks for their honours but rejecting the dedication of a temple. The emperor also confirms the privileged status of the island following Augustus’s precedent
Bibliographical references:
Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, Augustus to Nero: A Sourcebook on Roman History 31 BC – AD 68, Claudius , Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos , Des Carpathes à la Propontide. VIII. De Périnthe à Apamée, Cyzique et Claros, Roman Documents from the Greek East , Notes and Corrections to Imperial Letters l
Language: English
Nid: 2523
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Rome and environs. An archaeological guide, The Age of Augustus, Camposanto monumentale di Pisa. Le antichità, The Arch of Gaius Caesar at Pisa (CIL XI, 1421), Decreta pisana (CIL, XI, 1420-21). Edizione critica, traduzione e commento, I “Decreti Pisana”. Autonomia cittadina e ideologia imperiale nella colonia ‘Opsequens Iulia Pisana’, The municipal decrees of the Latin West
Language: English
Nid: 5218
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
L’Arco di Tito al Circo Massimo, Arcus Titi (Circus Maximus), Roman Imperial Statue Bases: from Augustus to Commodus, Roman Circuses: Arenas for Chariot Racing , L'Arco di Tito, Il Circo Massimo e le strutture adiacenti (Mitreo, Portico e Collegium Praeconium), Ancora sull’Arco di Tito, Circo Massimo: architetture, funzioni, culti, ideologia , “Last Year in Jerusalem: Monuments of the Jewish War in Rome” , Un frammento dell'arco di Tito al Circo Massimo , Some remarks on the Arch of Titus, Apollo, aedes in Circo
Language: English
Nid: 3859
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Hadrian is honoured as “founder” and “saviour” in Ephesus prior to his journey in the Levant (129-130 CE)

Bibliographical references:
Hadrian, The Restless Emperor, Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire, Hadrien et Éphèse, Neokoroi: Greek Cities and Roman Emperors, Economy of the sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, Emperors and ancestors: Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition, Les bêtises des grecs: Conflits et rivalités entre cités d'Asie et de Bithynie à l'époque romaine, Der Grundbesitz der ephesischen Artemis im Kaystrostal, Ephesos vom Beginn der römischen Herrschaft in Kleinasien bis zum Ende der Prinzipatszeit, Orner la cité: enjeux culturels et politiques du paysage urbain dans l'Asie gréco-romaine, Le sophiste M. Antonius Polémon de Laodicée, éminente personnalité politique de l’Asie romaine du IIe siècle, Asylia: Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World , Äegyptisches Getreide für Ephesos, Preliminary Views of the Ephesian Harbor
Language: English
Nid: 3235
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Gaius Stertinius Xenophon, doctor of Claudius who participated in the conquest of Britain, is honoured at Kos
Bibliographical references:
Kos between Hellenism and Rome: Studies on the Political, Institutional, and Social History of Kos from ca. the Middle Second Century B.C. until Late Antiquity, Claudius , Nuova silloge epigrafica di Rodi e Cos , Review of Mario Segre’s, Iscrizioni di Cos, I medici di corte nella societa imperiale, Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haut-Empire romain , The Inscriptions of Cos , Iscrizioni di Cos , Ancient Cos: An Historical Study from the Dorian Settlement to the Imperial Period
Language: English
Nid: 2527
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Hadrian, The Restless Emperor, Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire, “Citoyennetés multiples en Occident?”, Our First High Priest: a Gallic Knight at Athens, “L’essor de la multi-citoyenneté dans l’Orient romain: problèmes juridiques et judiciaires”, Roman Imperialism and Civic Patronage, Form, Meaning, and Ideology in Monumental Fountain Complexes, “The World of the Panhellenion I. Athens and Eleusis”, Inscriptions from the Roman Empire
Language: English
Nid: 5309
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Citizenship and Empire in Europe 200–1900: The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years, Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284. The Critical Century , Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, ΘΕΙΑ ΔΩΡΕΑ: Das göttlich-kaiserliche Geschenk: Studien zur Politik der Severer und zur Constitutio Antoniniana , Roman Citizenship and Roman Law in the Late Empire, Rome et l'intégration à l'Empire (44 av. J.-C.-260 ap. J.-C.) , The Foundation of Empire? The Spread of Roman Citizenship from the Fourth Century BCE to the Third Century CE, The spread of Roman citizenship 14-212 CE: quantification in the face of high uncertainty, Roman Thrace, La cittadinanza romana in età imperiale, secoli I-III d.C.: una sintesi, Public and Private Places of Worship in the Cult of Asclepius at Rome, La diffusion des processus d’adaptation conomastique: les Aurelii dans les provinces orientales de l’Empire, What's in a Name? A Survey of Roman Onomastic Practice from c. 700 B.C. to A.D. 700
Language: English
Nid: 5063
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Vespasian and Titus provide resources to fortify the walls in the capital of the kingdom of Iberia (Caucasus). The king is called philorhomaios and philokaisar
Bibliographical references:
Quelques notes sur l'inscription de Vespasien trouvée à Mtskheta, Rome and the friendly king: the character of the client kingship, King Flavius Dades, Georgia in Antiquity: a history of Colchis and Transcaucasian Iberia, 550 BC-AD 562, Das Bosporanische Reich, Die Anfänge der Beziehungen Roms zum nördlichen Schwarzmeerraum: die Romfreundschaft der Chersonesiten (IOSPE I2 402), Mtskheta: მცხეთა, Das alte Georgien (Kolchis und Iberien) in Strabons Geographie: neue Scholien, Bosporan Kingdom
Language: English
Nid: 2677
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Das konstantinische "Reskript von Hispellum" (CIL XI 5265) und seine Aussagekraft für die etrusko-umbrischen Beziehungen, Contributo alla discussione del rescritto Costantiniano di Hespellum, Il Rescritto di Spello: Prospettive Recenti, Le rescrit d'Hispellum, Rituals and power: the Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor , The Date and the Setting of the Constantinian Inscription of Hispellum (CIL XI, 5265 = ILS 704), Rhetoric and Divine Honours: On the “Imperial Cult” in the Reigns of Augustus and Constantine, The Roman Revolution of Constantine
Language: English
Nid: 5278
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
I Greges Oviarci dell’iscrizione di Sepino (CIL IX, 2438) e la transumanza in età imperiale, Donner à voir, donner à lire: mémoire et communication dans la Rome ancienne, La Transhumance, Fiscus and Patrimonium: the Saepinum Inscription and Transhumance in the Abruzzi, Economic Life in the Roman Empire, Policing the Roman Empire: Soldiers, Administration, and Public Order, Strutture agrarie e allevamento transumante nell'Italia romana (III-I sec. a. C.), L’iscrizione di Sepino (CIL, IX, 2438) relativa ai contrasti fra le autorità municipali e i conductores delle greggi imperiali con l’intervento dei prefetti del pretorio, Roman civilization: selected readings. Vol. 2, The Empire, Rome, the Greek World and the East 2: Government, Society and Culture in Roman Empire, The Emperor in the Roman World, Civic Patronage in the Roman Empire, Le coorti pretorie
Language: English
Nid: 5448
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

The city of Gerasa prepares a monumental arch coinciding with the visit of Hadrian in 130 CE

Bibliographical references:
Epiphanius, ‘On Weights and Measures’ §14: Hadrian’s Journey to the East and the Rebuilding of Jerusalem, Hadrian, The Restless Emperor, Roman Arabia, The Hellenistic settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, Hadrian, the Bar Kokhba Revolt, and the Epigraphic Transmission, Judäa - Syria Palästina: die Auseinandersetzung einer Provinz mit römischer Politik und Kultur, Onomastique et présence romaine à Gérasa, Itinera principum: Geschichte und Typologie der Kaiserreisen im Römischen Reich, Emperors and ancestors: Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition, Roman Colonies in Judaea: The Foundation of Aelia Capitolina, For salvation's sake’: provincial loyalty, personal religion, and epigraphic production in the Roman and late antique Near East, New York, The Second Jewish Revolt: the Bar Kokhba War, 132-136 CE, The Inscriptions: Gerasa City of the Decapolis
Language: English
Nid: 3022
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Subscription list of an organised group of Jews in Aphrodisias (Asia Minor) including proselytes and god-fearers.
Bibliographical references:
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. II: Kleinasien, Proselytism in the Talmudic Period, Nomenclature and Dating in Roman Asia Minor: (M.) Aurelius/a and the 3rd Century AD, Mên Askaenos and the Native Cults of Antioch by Pisidia, Jewish Proselyting in the First Five Centuries of the Common Era, the Age of the Tannaim and Amoraim, The Jews of Aphrodisias: New Evidence and Old Problems, Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing in the Religious History of the Roman Empire, The Hungry Are Dying: Beggars and Bishops in Roman Cappadocia, New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity. Volume 9, A Review of Greek and Other Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1986-1987, The Stranger within Your Gate: Converts and Conversions in Rabbinic Literature , Jews and God-fearers at Aphrodisias: Greek Inscriptions with Commentary, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity: The Late Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions including Texts from the Excavations at Aphrodisias Conducted by Kenan T. Erim, Jewish Communities in Asia Minor, Semitic Name-Use by Jews in Roman Asia Minor and the Dating of the Aphrodisias Stele Inscriptions, Jews in a Graeco-Roman Environment
Language: English
Nid: 4533
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
A funerary inscription sets fines to the community of Jews residing in Hierapolis (Phrygia). A copy was to be deposited in the archive of the Jews.
Bibliographical references:
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. II: Kleinasien, Katoikiai, Katoikoi and Macedonians in Asia Minor, “Kein anderer soll hier bestattet werden” Grabschutz im kaiserzeitlichen Milet, Acculturation and Identity in the Diaspora: A Jewish Family and Pagan Guilds at Hierapolis, La comunità giudaica di Hierapolis di Frigia, Iura sepulcrorum a Hierapolis di Frigia nel quadro dell’epigrafia sepolcrale microasiatica: iscrizioni edite e inedite, Ländliche Siedlungen und Gemeinden im hellenistischen und römischen Kleinasien, The Maeander Valley: a historical geography from antiquity to Byzantium, Jewish Communities in Asia Minor, Semitic Name-Use by Jews in Roman Asia Minor and the Dating of the Aphrodisias Stele Inscriptions
Language: English
Nid: 4558
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Gens Augusta: Untersuchungen zur Aufstellung, Wirkung und Bedeutung der Statuengruppen des julisch-claudischen Kaiserhauses, The Epigraphic Collection of the Museo Nazionale Romano at the Baths of Diocletian, Terme di Diocleziano: la collezione epigrafica, Roman Imperial Statue Bases: from Augustus to Commodus, The Divinization of Caesar and Augustus. Precedents, Consequences, Implications, Le dediche ad Augusto e ai Giulio-Claudi, Meta Sudans, I. Un’area sacra in Palatio e la valle del Colosseo prima e dopo Nerone, Epigraphy and Patronage
Language: English
Nid: 3515
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (MAMA): Monuments from Eastern Phrygia, vol. VIII , Remarques à propos de l’inscription constantinienne d’Orcistus (Phrygie), Les moulins d’Orcistus. Rhétorique et géographie au IVe s, Constantine and the Cities: Imperial Authority and Civic Politics , The Roman Revolution of Constantine
Language: English
Nid: 5737
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Aurelia Paulina, who was granted Roman citizenship by Commodus, dedicates a grand construction soon before the Constitutio Antoniniana.

Bibliographical references:
Plancia Magna of Perge: Women's Roles and Status in Roman Asia Minor, Neokoroi: Greek Cities and Roman Emperors, Späte Blüte in Side und Perge: die pamphylische Bauornamentik des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., Capita Provinciarum: Statthaltersitze und Provinzialverwaltung in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Orner la cité: enjeux culturels et politiques du paysage urbain dans l'Asie gréco-romaine, Die Inschriften von Perge I, Roman marriage: Iusti coniuges from the time of Cicero to the time of Ulpian, The limits of participation: women and civic life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman periods
Language: English
Nid: 4305
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Caius Vibius Salutaris, an Ephesian member of the equestrian order, establishes a foundation in which images of the Roman emperors, the Roman people, and the Senate are prepared.
Bibliographical references:
Prosopographia Militarium Equestrium quae fuerunt ab Augusto ad Gallienum II, The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies, Les trafiquants italiens dans l'orient hellénique, Des Grecs et des Italiens à Éphèse: histoire d'une intégration croisée, 133 a.C.-48 p.C, Stiftungen in der griechischen und römischen Antike: ein Beitrag zur antiken Kulturgeschichte, The sacred identity of Ephesos: foundation myths of a Roman city, London, Routledge, The Assembly of Imperial Ephesos, Die Grammateis von Ephesos
Language: English
Nid: 2711
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Hadrian orders the restoration of a temple destroyed and burned during the Jewish riot of Cyrene
Bibliographical references:
Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene, Jews in Egypt and Cyrenaica 66-c. 235 CE, La dea Ecate a Cirene fra storia, culto e iconografia (con un catalogo degli hekataia editi e di tre inediti),, Corpus jüdischer Zeugnisse aus der Cyrenaika, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and the Cyrenaican Cities, The World of the Panhellenion: II. Three Dorian Cities, Diaspora Reactions to the Destruction of the Temple, Hadrian and the Renewal of Cyrene, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 2919
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez

Under Marcus Aurelius, Cyrene was still restoring religious spaces damaged in the Jewish riots at the end of Trajan’s reign.

Bibliographical references:
Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene, Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire, The Temple of Zeus at Cyrene, Diaspora Reactions to the Destruction of the Temple, Jews in Egypt and Cyrenaica 66-c. 235 CE, Corpus jüdischer Zeugnisse aus der Cyrenaika, Il tempio e l'altare di Apollo a Cirene, Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil, 116/117 C.E., Ancient Sources and Modern Insights, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and the Cyrenaican Cities, La dea Ecate a Cirene fra storia, culto e iconografia (con un catalogo degli hekataia editi e di tre inediti),, The World of the Panhellenion: II. Three Dorian Cities, Sulle iscrizioni relative alla ricostruzione di Cirene dopo il tumulus Iudaicus, e sul loro contesto, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations
Language: English
Nid: 2923
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
The people of Thyateira dedicate a monument to the emperor Nerva, the Senate, and the Roman hegemony
Bibliographical references:
Craftsmen associations in Roman Lydia - A tale of two cities?, The Hellenistic settlements in Europe, the islands, and Asia Minor, Nerva to Hadrian, Les trafiquants italiens dans l'orient hellénique, Tituli Lydiae Linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti [Vol.V. Fasc. 2. Regio septentrionalis ad occidentem vergens] , The Senate of Imperial Rome
Language: English
Nid: 2721
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Roman Government and Administration, A Supplement to The Local Magistrates of Roman Spain, Rome and Baetica: urbanization in southern Spain c. 50 BC-AD 150, Epigrafía de Munigua: Mulva, Sevilla, The Lex Iulia and Appeal under the Empire, The Flavians, Excavaciones en Munigua en el año 1966, The Roman Emperor and the Imperial Family, Le proconsul et le prince d’Auguste à Dioclétien , Sources and Evidence, The Emperor Titus, Zwei Bronzeurkunden aus Munigua, The Emperor in the Roman World: 31 B.C.-A.D. 337 , Epistula Titi ad Muniguensis
Language: English
Nid: 3589
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Rome and the Nomads: the Pontic-Danubian realm in antiquity, Tiberio Plauzio Eliano e il trasferimento dei 100.000 transdanubiani nella Mesia, Neronian frontier policy in the Balkans: the career of Ti. Plautius Silvanus, Die orientalische Außenpolitik des Kaisers Nero, The coming of Rome in the Dacian world, Pannonia and Upper Moesia, Tiberius Plautius Aelianus şi frontiera Dunării de Jos în sec. I e.n, Ti. Plautius Silvanus, Tauric Chersonesos and Classis Moesica, The Danubian and Balkan Provinces, La légation de Ti. Plautius Silvanus Aelianus en Mésie et la politique frumentaire de Néron
Language: English
Nid: 5422
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Trajan: Optimus Princeps, The Roman Alimentary Program and Italian Agriculture, Alimenta: il racconto delle fonti , “The Purpose and Organisation of the Alimenta”, The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies, The Epigraphic Collection of the Museo Nazionale Romano at the Baths of Diocletian, Trajan’s Alimenta: Some Problems, Velleia. Scavi e Problemi, Crisis: what crisis? Rural change and urban development in imperial Apennine Italy, Benevento romana , “La table des Ligures Baebiani et l’institution alimentaire de Trajan (Premier article)”, “La table des Ligures Baebiani et l’institution alimentaire de Trajan (Deuxième article)”, Inscriptions of the Roman Empire AD 14-117, Food, Poverty and Patronage. The Significance of the Epigraphy of the Roman Alimentary Schemes in Early Imperial Italy
Language: English
Nid: 5116
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Les Inscriptions Greques et Latines de Philae: Tome II. Haut et Bas Empire. vol. II , Caius Cornélius Gallus, Augustan Egypt. The Creation of a Roman Province, Pax terra mariqve: rhetorics of Roman victory, 50B.C.- A.D.14, PhD thesis, University of Oxford, L’epigrafia latina in Italia nell’ultimo quinquennio (1963-1967), Bilingualism in Roman Egypt, Die dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallus: Übersetzung und Kommentar, The Frontiers of the Empire and the Edges of the World in the Augustan Poetic Imaginary, The Roman Revolution
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5808
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Jewish Community of Rome, From the Second Century B.C. to the Third Century C.E., Die Eroberung von Masada und eine neue Inschrift des L. Flavius Silva Nonius Bassus, Sextus Lucilius Bassus, der Eroberer von Herodium, in einer Bauinschrift von Abu Gosh, Judäa - Syria Palästina: die Auseinandersetzung einer Provinz mit römischer Politik und Kultur, A Fragment of a Monumental Roman Inscription at the Islamic Museum of the Haram ash-Sharif, Jerusalem, The Cambridge History of Judaism, Vol. 3: The Early Roman Period , Excavations Near the Temple Mount, L. Antoninus Saturninus
Language: English
Nid: 5993
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
On the civitates mentioned in the inscription on the bridge at Alcántara, L'administration du territoire vetton à l'époque romaine: statuts juridiques et institutions, Pons Traiani, Qantara Es-Saif, puente de Alcántara. Problemas de epigrafía, filología e historia, Rome and Baetica: urbanization in southern Spain c. 50 BC-AD 150, I ponti romani. Catalogo generale, Untersuchungen zum römischen Stădtewesen auf der iberischen Halbinsel , Roman Bridges in Iberia, Ciudades y monumentos romanos de Hispania: El puente de Alcántara, Roman Bridges
Language: English
Nid: 3885
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
A military officer is honoured in Oinoanda (southern Anatolia) for providing peace and being generous on the day on which a sacred image of Valerian II arrived.
Bibliographical references:
Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, Termessians at Oinoanda, Education and athletics. Documents illustrating the festivals of Oenoanda, Boubon: the inscriptions and archaeological remains; a survey 2004-2006, Adventus principis: Untersuchungen zu Sinngehalt und Zeremoniell der Kaiserankunft in den Städten des Imperium Romanum , Sur une inscription grecque de Termessos près d’Oinoanda (Lycie), Athletics, army recruitment and heroisation: L. Sep. Fl. Flavillianus of Oinoanda, A new statue-base for Constantius II and the fourth-century imperial cult at Oinoanda,, Native rebellion in the Pisidian Taurus, Rituals and power: the Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor, The Roman Empire at Bay: A.D. 180-395 , Recherches Épigraphiques, De Lycie En Cabalide : La Convention Entre Les Lyciens Et Termessos Près D'Oinoanda, Untersuchungen Zu Den Vexillationen Des Römischen Kaiserheeres Von Augustus Bis Diokletian.
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 4448
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
The emperor Vespasian consults with an Italian oracle what to do with the German captive Veleda
Bibliographical references:
Ardea. La terra dei Rutuli tra mito e archeologia: alle radici della romanità. Nuovi dati dai recenti scavi archeologici, Veleda, Nuove Osservazioni sull’epigrafe ardeatina di Veleda, A Roman Life: Rutilius Gallicus on Paper and in Stone, Vespasian
Language: English
Nid: 2671
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Bibliographical references:
Livia. First Lady of Imperial Rome , L'Arco quadrifronte dei Severi a Lepcis (Leptis), “Septimius Severus: The Augustan Emperor” , Giulia Domna tra oriente e occidente: le fonti archeologiche , Emperors and ancestors: Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition, Die syrischen Augustae in der historischen Überlieferung , Roman Sculpture, Julia Domna: Syrian Empress , Under divine auspices: divine ideology and the visualisation of imperial power in the Severan period
Language: English
Nid: 5329
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