
Displaying 151 - 200 of 235
Bibliographical references:
Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire, Rome and Baetica: urbanization in southern Spain c. 50 BC-AD 150, Zum ius Latii in den keltischen Provinzen des Imperium Romanum, From Tiberius to the Antonines: A History of the Roman Empire AD 14-192, Portorium: étude sur l'organisation douanière chez les Romains, surtout à l'époque du Haut-Empire, The Government of the Roman Empire: a sourcebook, Roman Thrace, Storia della Costituzione Romana 6 vols., Local Administration in Roman Spain AD 14-212 , The Emperor in the Roman World: 31 BC-AD 337 , Medium and Message in Vespasian’s Templum Pacis, Epigrafía jurídica de la España Romana , Étude sur l’organisation administrative de la Thrace a l’époque romaine. L’histoire des strategies, The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, Vectigalia et revenus des cités en Hispanie, Pax and the Ara Pacis
Language: English
Nid: 3547
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
An inscription honouring Antonia Minor and the Julio-Claudian lineage in Ilium (Troia) calls Livilla “Aphrodite of Anchises”
Bibliographical references:
Troy between Greece and Rome: Local Tradition and Imperial Power , Die Inschriften von Ilion , Athènes au IIe et au IIIe siècle: études chronologiques et prosopographiques , Germanico , La popularité de Germanicus en Orient: les figures d’un prince héritier sous Tibère, Claudius , The Reign of Tiberius , Troia resurgens: mito troiano e ideologia del principato, La religion romaine de Vénus: depuis les origines jusqu'au temps d'Auguste, Divus Julius
Language: English
Nid: 2497
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire, Spain, Un parti hispanique à Rome? Ascension des élites hispaniques et pouvoir politique d'Auguste à Hadrien, 27 av. J.-C.-138 ap. J.-C, The Local Magistrates of Roman Spain, A Supplement to The Local Magistrates of Roman Spain, La Lex Irnitana y la onomástica de los municipios flavios, L’Irnitana maggiorenne, Vespasian, El Beneficium Manumissionis, la obligacion de manumitir y la virtud estoica, Die municipalen Curien oder Domitian als Republikaner: Lex Lati (Tab. Irn.) Paragraph 50(?) und 51, El comportamento munificente de las élites Hispano-Romanas en materia religiosa. La construccíon de templos per iniciativa privada en Hispania, Apuntes sobre epigrafia de epoca flavia en Hispania, Inscripciones Latinas de la España romana
Language: English
Nid: 3548
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Transcript of a speech of the emperor Claudius about the admission of Gallic provincials to the Roman Senate
Bibliographical references:
“Tacite et les inscriptions” , “La table claudienne de Lyon” , La table claudienne de Lyon, “Claudius the Erudite Emperor” , The Roman Citizenship, “Le témoignage de Claude sur Mastarna/Servius Tullius”, Primores Galliarum: sénateurs et chevaliers romains originaires de la Gaule de la fin de la République au IIIe siècle, II. Prosopographie, Primores Galliarum: sénateurs et chevaliers romains originaires de la Gaule de la fin de la République au IIIe siècle, III. Études Sociales, 1. Les racines, “Les recensements augustéens, aux origines de l’Empire”, The Provincial at Rome
Language: English
Nid: 4246
Realized by:
Marie Roux

A member of the elite of Termessos (southern Anatolia) and priest of the goddess Roma Augusta, is honoured for acting as curator of the city of Sagalassos.

Bibliographical references:
Termessische Studien, Tituli Asiae Minoris, Tituli Pisidiae: linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti , City government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, La Lex Antonia de Termessibus, Cult in Retrospect. Religion and Society in Pre-Hellenistic Pisidia, Being Termessian: Local Knowledge and Identity Politics in a Pisidian City, Romanization in the East. A case study: Sagalassos and Pisidia (SW Turkey)
Language: English
Nid: 4402
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Marcus Aurelius and Commodus instruct what type of imperial images needed to be produced by the recently instituted Athenian gerousia in order to facilitate their display and transportation.
Bibliographical references:
Language: English
Nid: 4160
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Marcus Aurelius and Commodus instruct what type of imperial images needed to be produced by the recently instituted Athenian gerousia in order to facilitate their display and transportation.
Bibliographical references:
Athènes au IIe et au IIIe siècle: études chronologiques et prosopographiques , Emperors and ancestors: Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition, Roman Imperial Statue Bases: from Augustus to Commodus, The Sacred Gerusia (The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora: Hesperia, Suppl. VI.) , Marcus Aurelius: aspects of civic and cultural policy in the East, Greek Constitutions of Early Roman Emperors from Inscriptions and Papyri , Marc Aurèle, L'incroyable découverte du buste en or à Avenches, Les origines de la Gérousie de l’époque impériale
Language: English
Nid: 4161
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez

The public institutions of Lycia and Pamphylia petitioned Maximinus Daia, one of the Tetrarchs, to prohibit Christianity on charges of atheism, insanity and defiance.

Bibliographical references:
The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine , Les constitutions des Tétrarques connues par l’épigraphie: inventaire et notes critiques, Maximinus and the Christians in A.D. 312: A New Latin Inscription, Die Inschriften Von Arykanda
Language: English
Nid: 4668
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Rom und die Provinz Iudaea/Syria Palaestina: Der Beitrag der Epigraphik, “The Bar Kokhba Revolt: The Roman Point of View”, Rome, the Greek world, and the East. Vol. 3, The Greek world, the Jews, and the East, The Geographical Scope of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, The Marriage of Roman Soldiers (13 B.C.-A.D. 235): Law and Family in the Imperial Army, Roman military diplomas 1954-1977, A Roman military diploma from Rough Cilicia, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations, Following Hadrian: a second-century journey through the Roman Empire
Language: English
Nid: 4115
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Flavians, Die thrakischen Sprachreste, Vespasian, Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum II, Vespasian to Domitian, The New Aristocracy of Power, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae Latinarum et Galliae Cisalpinae: cum indice inverso, An emperor rewards his supporters: the earliest extant diploma issued by Vespasian, Classes. The Evolution of the Roman Imperial Fleets, The Roman imperial navy 31 B.C. – A.D. 324
Language: English
Nid: 5107
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Alexander as Elagabalus’ Associate, Epigraphic contributions from the National Museum of Niš, Untersuchungen zur Religion und zur Religionspolitik des Kaisers Elagabal , Emperors and ancestors: Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition, The Crimes of Elagabalus. The Life and Legacy of Rome’s Decadent Boy Emperor, The Marriage of Roman Soldiers (13 B.C.-A.D. 235): Law and Family in the Imperial Army, Under divine auspices: divine ideology and the visualisation of imperial power in the Severan period, Roman military diplomas 1954-1977, L’acquisto della cittidinanza romana e il matrimonio del peregrino
Language: English
Nid: 5858
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
A typical city in Asia Minor drafts a resolution concerning illegal banking activities and local legal procedures. The fragmentary decree includes an acclamation and several messages extolling the Roman emperors and the eternity of their rule.
Bibliographical references:
Die Inschriften von Mylasa, Roman Asia Minor, The Roman monetary system : the Eastern provinces from the first to the third century AD, Coinage and identity in the Roman Provinces
Language: English
Nid: 4257
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Nero proclaims the “freedom” of Greece in a speech during the Isthmian games and the city of Akraiphiai prepares a decree in honour of the emperor, who is referred to as Zeus “the liberator”
Bibliographical references:
Augustus to Nero: A Sourcebook on Roman History 31 BC – AD 68, L’iscrizione neroniana sulla libertà ai Greci, Nero, Philhellénisme et impérialisme: aspects idéologiques de la conquête romaine du monde hellénistique, de la seconde guerre de Macédoine à la guerre contre Mithridate, Nero's Liberation of Greece, The Isthmian Games and the Sanctuary of Poseidon in the Early Empire, Itinera principum: Geschichte und Typologie der Kaiserreisen im Römischen Reich, Discours de Néron prononcé à Corinthe pour rendre aux Grecs la liberté, Nero Speaking, Les dieux et les dieux augustes: le culte impérial en Grèce sous les Julio-claudiens et les Flaviens: études épigraphiques et archéologiques , Epaminondas of Acraephia, Greek Constitutions of Early Roman Emperors from Inscriptions and Papyri , Cults of Boeotia
Language: English
Nid: 2539
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
A funerary text inscribed on a sarcophagus of Aphrodisias records the change of nomenclature caused by the Constitutio Antoniniana.
Bibliographical references:
Citizenship and Empire in Europe 200–1900: The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years, Nomenclature and Dating in Roman Asia Minor: (M.) Aurelius/a and the 3rd Century AD, ΘΕΙΑ ΔΩΡΕΑ: Das göttlich-kaiserliche Geschenk: Studien zur Politik der Severer und zur Constitutio Antoniniana , Second Thoughts on Second Names in Aphrodisias, “Kein anderer soll hier bestattet werden” Grabschutz im kaiserzeitlichen Milet, Überlegungen zur Datierung der Constitutio Antoniniana, Girlanden-Sarkophage aus Aphrodisias , Rise and Fall of Sarcophagus Production at Aphrodisias, The spread of Roman citizenship 14-212 CE: quantification in the face of high uncertainty, Iura sepulcrorum a Hierapolis di Frigia nel quadro dell’epigrafia sepolcrale microasiatica: iscrizioni edite e inedite, “What’s in a Name? A Survey of Roman Onomastic Practice from c. 700 B.C to A.D. 700”, Sarcophagi and Roman citizenship
Language: English
Nid: 4320
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Fasti Hispanienses, Review: the Imperial Oath of Allegiance, Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Der römische Kaisereid: Untersuchungen zu seiner Herkunft und Entwicklung, The Government of the Roman Empire: a sourcebook, From crisis to consensus: salutary ideology and the murder of Agrippina, Werden und Wesen des Prinzipats, Constructing Autocracy: Aristocrats and Emperors in Julio-Claudian Rome, An allusion to the Kaisereid in Tacitus Annals 1.42?
Language: English
Nid: 5248
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
The inhabitants of Paphlagonia and the Roman traders among them swear an oath of loyalty to Caesar Augustus
Bibliographical references:
Recueil des inscriptions grecques et latines du Pont et de l'Arménie, Der Kaiser-Eid. Zur Praxis der römischen Herrscherverehrung, Ὀμνύω αὐτὸν τὸν Σεβαστόν: The Greek Oath in the Roman World, Der römische Kaisereid: Untersuchungen zu seiner Herkunft und Entwicklung, Le serment à l’empereur: une base méconnue de la tyrannie impériale sous le Haut-Empire?, The First Oath Pro Salute Augusti Found in Baetica, The loyalty oath in the ancient Near East, A Re-examination of the Imperial Oath from Vezirköprü
Language: English
Nid: 2481
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Catalogo delle iscrizioni latine del Museo Nazionale di Napoli (ILMN). Vol. I, Roma e Latium, Obelisks in Exile, vol. I, Costanzo II e l’obelisco del Circo Massimo a Roma, La tradizione non solo manoscritta del Carmen Epigraphicum Patris Opus Munusque suum (CIL VI 1163). I segreti dell’obelisco Lateranense, Obelisks still in Exile: Monuments Made to Measure?, Poetry on Stone: Epigram and Audience in Rome
Language: English
Nid: 5465
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
 Octavian sends several letters to the city of Rhosos concerning the rights and privileges granted to his sea-captain Seleukos 
Bibliographical references:
Sul problema della doppia cittadinanza nella Repubblica e nell'Impero romano, Roman Statutes I , Le Statut juridique des nouveaux citoyens romains et l'inscription de Rhosos I, Le Statut juridique des nouveaux citoyens romains et l'inscription de Rhosos II, La liberté des cités et ses limites à l’époque républicaine, Les Grecs des cités et l’obtention de la ‘civitas Romana’, L’octroi de la citoyenneté romaine et de l'immunité à Antipater, père d'Hérode, Intorno alla iscrizione augustea di Rhosos, La grande iscrizione di Ottaviano trovata a Roso, ..ut optimo iure optimaque lege cives Romani sint. Bürgerrecht, Liturgie und Steuerfreiheit im Übergang von der Republik zum Prinzipat, Senatus consultum de Asclepiade Clazomenio sociisque, The Epigraphic Dossier of Seleucus of Rhosus: A Revised Edition, Seleuco di Rhosos: cittadinanza e privilegi nell'Oriente greco in età tardo-repubblicana, Un syrien au service de Rome et d'Octave, Roman Documents from the Greek East , Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus , Die Entwicklung der Veteranenprivilegien vom Beginn des 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis auf Konstantin d. Gr
Language: English
Nid: 2393
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez

A dedication of slaves in the sanctuary of the Mother of Gods in Leukopetra (Macedonia) records a new Roman citizen following the regulation of the provincial governor in 213 CE, i.e.

Bibliographical references:
Citizenship and Empire in Europe 200–1900: The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years, Nomenclature and Dating in Roman Asia Minor: (M.) Aurelius/a and the 3rd Century AD, Mên Askaenos and the Native Cults of Antioch by Pisidia, ΘΕΙΑ ΔΩΡΕΑ: Das göttlich-kaiserliche Geschenk: Studien zur Politik der Severer und zur Constitutio Antoniniana , The spread of Roman citizenship 14-212 CE: quantification in the face of high uncertainty, Les καταγραφαί du sanctuaire d’Apollon Lairbenos, A New Inscription from the Cayster Valley and the question of Supernomina in Hellenistic and Roman Lydia, Inscriptions du sanctuaire de la Mère des Dieux Autochtone de Leukopétra (Macédoine), Ancient Beroea. Prosopography and Society, Transforming Greek practice into Roman law: manumissions in Roman Macedonia
Language: English
Nid: 4331
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
A member of the local elite of Termessos is honoured for having led a group of allies dispatched to the emperor Marcus Aurelius.
Bibliographical references:
Nomenclature and Dating in Roman Asia Minor: (M.) Aurelius/a and the 3rd Century AD, “The Impact of the Antonine Plague”, Die Seuche unter Mark Aurel: ihre Auswirkungen auf das Heer, Anomalie dell'evergetismo in tempo di guerra: i notabili della provincia d'Asia tra arruolamenti e fiscalità d'emergenza al tempo di Marco Aurelio, Blood of the Provinces: The Roman Auxilia and the Making of Provincial Society from Augustus to the Severans, The Levy at Thespiae under Marcus Aurelius, Recruitment in time of Plague: the case of Thespiae, Ephebeia a register of Greek cities with citizen training systems in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Les émissions de monnaies d'homonoia et les crises alimentaires en Asie sous Marc-Aurèle, Termessische Studien, Cult in Pisidia. Religious Practice in Southwestern Asia Minor from Alexander the Great to the Rise of Christianity , La Lex Antonia de Termessibus, Public space and political culture in Roman Termessos
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 3971
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
The provincial governor of Asia tries to curb corruption in the internal affairs of Ephesus and the temple of Artemis. His actions are connected with the emperor Claudius.
Bibliographical references:
Augustus to Nero: A Sourcebook on Roman History 31 BC – AD 68, Economy of the sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, Der Erlass des Statthalters von Asia, Paullus Fabius Persicus, Gross ist die Artemis von Ephesos: die Geschichte einer der grossen Städt der Antike, Der Grundbesitz der ephesischen Artemis im Kaystrostal, XII. Vorläufiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Ephesos
Language: English
Nid: 2651
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284. The Critical Century , Religions of Rome, Volume I: A History , Julia Domna: Syrian Empress , The Ludi Saeculares of Septimius Severus: The Ideologies of a New Roman Empire, Augustus, the Ludi Saeculares, and Roman Numismatic Memory, Under divine auspices: divine ideology and the visualisation of imperial power in the Severan period, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Nid: 5156
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Trajan and the Roman Senate authorise the organisation of sacred games in Pergamum with the sponsorship of Iulius Quadratus
Bibliographical references:
Neokoroi: Greek Cities and Roman Emperors, Die Inschriften von Pergamon II: Altertümer von Pergamon, Die Senatoren aus dem östlichen Teil des Imperium Romanum: bis zum Ende des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., Städtebau und Bauherren im römischen Kleinasien: ein Vergleich zwischen Pergamon und Ephesos, Die Präsenz senatorischer Familien, Hadrien an die Pergamener: eine Fallstudie, The Victor’s Return, and the Categories of Games, The Zeus Philios and Trajan temple. A context for imperial honors
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 2810
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
The city of Perge in southern Anatolia celebrates its new title of metropolis after the exceptional grant of the emperor Tacitus, worshipped as a god.
Bibliographical references:
Die Homonoia-Münzen Kleinasiens und der thrakischen Randgebiete, Les cités grecques dans l'Empire romain. Les privilèges et les titres des cités de l'Orient hellénophone d' Octave Auguste à Dioclétien, Itinera principum: Geschichte und Typologie der Kaiserreisen im Römischen Reich, Les bêtises des grecs: Conflits et rivalités entre cités d'Asie et de Bithynie à l'époque romaine, 129 a. C.-235 p. C., Perge unter Kaiser Tacitus Mittelpunkt der Welt, Le monnayage impérial d’Asie Mineure et la statistique, Kaiser Tacitus erhebt Perge zur Metropolis Pamphyliens und erlaubt einen Agon, Die feindlichen Schwestern - Betrachtungen zur Rivalität der pamphylischen Städte, Roman Imperial Titulature and Chronology, Floreat Perge, Die Inschriften von Perge II, Aurelian and the Third Century, Auxe Perge. Beobachtungen zu einem bemerkenswerten städtischen Dokument des späten 3. Jahrhunderts n. Ch
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 4577
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
The Crisis of the Third Century as Seen by Contemporaries, The age of the soldier emperors: Imperial Rome, A.D. 244-284, Maximinus to Diocletian and the crisis, Rome and its empire, AD 193-284 , “Les premières années de la grande crise du IIIe siècle: De l’avènement de Maximin le Thrace (235) à la mort de Gordien III (244)”, Inscriptile Daciei Romane, 3 vols.
Language: English
Nid: 5077
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
The villages of Anossa and Antimacheia have a conflict concerning transportation obligations and the procurator of Phrygia intervenes.
Bibliographical references:
Bilingualism and the Latin language, The Ambitions of Government: Territoriality and Infrastructural Power in Ancient Rome, Nomenclature and Dating in Roman Asia Minor: (M.) Aurelius/a and the 3rd Century AD, From Exploitation to Integration: Imperial Quarries, Estates and Freedmen, and the Integration of Rural Phrygia, Viaggi, trasporti e istituzioni: studi sul cursus publicus , A Third-Century Inscription Relating to Angareia in Phrygia, Imperial Mines and Quarries in the Roman World: Organizational Aspects, 27 BC-AD 235, Law in Roman Phrygia: rules and jurisdictions, Transport und Nachrichtentransfer im römischen Reich , Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor, A group of imperial estates in central Phrygia, Le latin dans le monde grec : recherches sur la diffusion de la langue et de lettres latines dans les provinces hellénophones de l'empire romain, Roman Phrygia : Culture and Society
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 4407
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Trajan: Optimus Princeps, Collis. Il Quirinale e il Viminale nell'antichità, “The Purpose and Organisation of the Alimenta”, Pagan and Christian Rome , Crisis: what crisis? Rural change and urban development in imperial Apennine Italy, Inscriptions of the Roman Empire AD 14-117, Food, Poverty and Patronage. The Significance of the Epigraphy of the Roman Alimentary Schemes in Early Imperial Italy
Language: English
Nid: 5119
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

The Roman governor Carus Pedo produces an edict authorising a local decree of Ephesus.

Bibliographical references:
Artemis von Ephesos und verwandte Kultstatuen aus Anatolien und Syrien,, Gross ist die Artemis von Ephesos: die Geschichte einer der grossen Städt der Antike, Der Grundbesitz der ephesischen Artemis im Kaystrostal, Die ephesischen Monate in der Kaiserzeit, The mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos: cult, polis, and change in the Graeco-Roman world, Magnesia and the Greeks of Asia (I.Magnesia 16.16)
Language: English
Nid: 4154
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Coyuntura sociopolítica y estructura social de la producción en la época de Diocleciano, The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government, AD 284-324, The Publication of the Prices Edict: A New Inscription from Aezani, The Aezani Copy of the Price Edict, The Aphrodisias Copy of Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, Edictum Diocletiani et Collegarum de pretiis rerum venalium in integrum fere restitutum a Latinis Graecisque fragmentis, i-ii, The Roman Empire at Bay AD 180–395, Diocletian and the Tetrarchy , The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine
Language: English
Nid: 5870
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Edict responding to a village in the Maeander valley that petitioned for market days. The legal procedure concerning the reproduction of this official document is also detailed.
Bibliographical references:
Nomenclature and Dating in Roman Asia Minor: (M.) Aurelius/a and the 3rd Century AD, The Graeco-Roman Trade Fair and the Rabbis, Fairs and markets in the Roman Empire : economic and social aspects of periodic trade in a pre-industrial society, Petition and Response: An Epigraphic Study of Petitions to Roman Emperors 181-249 , Economy, Geography, and Provincial History in Later Roman Palestine, Nundinas instituere et habere: epigraphische Zeugnisse zur Einrichtung und Gestaltung von ländlichen Märkten in Afrika und in der Provinz Asia, Markets and marketing in Roman Palestine, The Economy of Roman Palestine, Die Münzprägung von Magnesia am Mäander in der römischen Kaiserzeit, The Maeander Valley: a historical geography from antiquity to Byzantium
Language: English
Nid: 4236
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
The Roman emperor Antoninus Pius praises the Ephesian benefactor Publius Vedius Antoninus for investing in works for the future
Bibliographical references:
Die Senatoren aus dem östlichen Teil des Imperium Romanum: bis zum Ende des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., Städtebau und Bauherren im römischen Kleinasien: ein Vergleich zwischen Pergamon und Ephesos, Letters of Roman Authorities on Local Dignitaries: the Case of Vedius Antonius, Orner la cité: enjeux culturels et politiques du paysage urbain dans l'Asie gréco-romaine, The Lash of Ambition: Plutarch, Imperial Greek Literature and the Dynamics of Philotimia, Zu den Stiftungen des M. Claudius P. Vedius Antoninus Phaedrus Sabinianus und ihrem Echo in Ephesos, Das Vediusgymnasium in Ephesos: Archäologie und Baubefund , The Inscriptions, Staatliche Baupolitik und Baufürsorge in den Römischen Provinzen Des Kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien
Language: English
Nid: 3774
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus instruct not to re-cast silver for their representations, even if the old images were worn and not easily identifiable.
Bibliographical references:
City government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, Emperors and ancestors: Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition, The sacred identity of Ephesos: foundation myths of a Roman city, London, Routledge, Das Partherdenkmal von Ephesos, The Sacred Gerusia (The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora: Hesperia, Suppl. VI.)
Language: English
Nid: 4157
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene, Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire, Les contacts entre Apollonia de Cyrénaïque et l’Égypte à l’époque impériale, Il mistero del tempio. La rivolta ebraica sotto Traiano, Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World: Toward a New Jewish Archaeology , The Menorah: From the Bible to Modern Israel , The Menorah, the Ancient Seven-armed Candelabrum: Origin, Form, and Significance, Roman Milestones in Cyrenaica, Cyrène et la Libye hellénistique: Libykai Historiai, Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil, 116/117 C.E., Ancient Sources and Modern Insights, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations, Writing on the wall: graffiti and the forgotten Jews of antiquity, The menorah in a sepulchral context: a protective, apotropaic symbol?
Language: English
Nid: 5818
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Les arcs romains de Jérusalem. Architecture, décor et urbanisme, Iudaea-Palestina: The Pagan Cults in Roman Palestine (Second to Fourth Century), Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire, Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. Volume I Jerusalem, Pars 1: 1-704, “The Bar Kokhba Revolt: The Roman Point of View”, Catalogue of the Greek coins of Palestine (Galilee, Samaria and Judaea), Roman Colonies in Judaea: The Foundation of Aelia Capitolina, Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor , Rome, the Greek world, and the East. Vol. 3, The Greek world, the Jews, and the East, The History of the Jewish People in the age of Jesus Christ 1, The Roman Citizenship, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations, Journeys of Hadrian
Language: English
Nid: 5820
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Ushering in a New Republic. Theologies of arrival at Rome in the first century BCE , Topographical Dictionary of Rome, Augustus, war and peace, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary, Problems about Janus, Il testo greco delle “Res Gestae Divi Augusti””: Appunti per una interpretazione politica
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5661
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Introduzione alle guerre persiane e altri saggi di storia antica, Space, Geography and Politics in the Early Roman Empire, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary, Aelius Gallus and Arabia, Problems about Janus, Il testo greco delle “Res Gestae Divi Augusti””: Appunti per una interpretazione politica
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5669
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Der Vater des Vaterlands im römischen Denken , Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Augustus and the making of the principate, Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji, Augustus and the principate. The evolution of the system., Triumvirate and Principate, Augustus’s conception of himself, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary, Il testo greco delle “Res Gestae Divi Augusti””: Appunti per una interpretazione politica, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5679
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Der Vater des Vaterlands im römischen Denken , Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Augustus, war and peace, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5680
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Augustus and “Censoria Potestas”, Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Italian Manpower, Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Studies in Roman Government and Law, The Constitution of the Roman Republic, The size of the Roman population: Beloch and the meaning of the Augustan census figures, Les fastes d’Ostie et les recensements augustéens, Cassius Dio. The Augustan Settlement (Roman History 53-55.9), The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5640
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

See Augustus, Res Gestae divi Augusti (General Background) for the historical context of the Res Gestae.

Bibliographical references:
Religions of Rome, Volume I: A History , Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Writing Rome. Textual Approaches to the City, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Augustus, war and peace, Imperium Romanum between Republic and Empire, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary, Espace urbain et propaganda politique: L’organisation du centre de Rome par Augustus (Res Gestae 19 à 21), The date of dedication of the temple of Mars Ultor, Capitolium, Il testo greco delle “Res Gestae Divi Augusti””: Appunti per una interpretazione politica, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus, Forum Augustum: das Bildprogramm
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5668
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Actium and Augustus: The Politics and Emotions of Civil War, Augustus and the making of the principate, Das “präskript” der Res Gestae Divi Augusti, Terra Marique, “Der Rechenschaftsbericht des Augustus”, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary, An Introduction to Roman Religion, trans. J. Lloyd, Princeps. Studien zur Geschichte des Augustus. I., The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5631
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Roman Imperial Themes, Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary, Parthian Coins, Il testo greco delle “Res Gestae Divi Augusti””: Appunti per una interpretazione politica, The Danubian and Balkan Provinces
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5674
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

See Augustus, Res Gestae divi Augusti (General Background) for the historical context of the R

Bibliographical references:
Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Religions of Rome, Volume I: A History , Ideologia Imperiale ‘a fronte’ nel testo Greco/Latino delle Res Gestae: appunti sulla doppia versione del manifesto politico di Augusto’ , Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Beyond Rome and Latium: Roman religion in the age of Augustus, The Imperial Cult in the Latin West, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, Actium and Augustus: The Politics and Emotions of Civil War, Greek Athletics in the Roman World. Victory and Virtue, The Emperor’s Retrospect. Augustus’ Res Gestae in Epigraphy, Historiography and Commentary, Divus Julius
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5641
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Res Gestae divi Augusti. Hauts faits du divin Auguste, Res Gestae Divi Augusti: the achievements of the divine Augustus, Res gestae divi Augusti: Text, Translation and Commentary, Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, The Age of Augustus, Das “präskript” der Res Gestae Divi Augusti, “Der Rechenschaftsbericht des Augustus”, Princeps. Studien zur Geschichte des Augustus. I., The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5629
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Building inscription honouring Numerius Popidius Celsinus for rebuilding the Temple of Isis at Pompeii, through private benefaction, following an earthquake in 62 BCE.

Bibliographical references:
Pompeii: The Life of a Roman Town , The Complete Pompeii, Ordo Populusque Pompeianus. Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii., Pompeii and Herculaneum. A Sourcebook., “The Loss of Innocence” , The Freedman in the Roman World, “Urban, suburban and rural religion in the Roman period” , Adults and Children in the Roman Empire , Pompeii. Public and Private Life
Language: English
Nid: 3062
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Temples et cultes de Tripolitaine, La romanisation des dieux: l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire, Sismi, urbanistica e cronologia assoluta. Terremoti e urbanistica nelle città di Tripolitania tra il I secolo a.C. ed il IV d.C., Late Polytheism, Excavations at Sabratha, 1948-1951: a report on the excavations conducted by Dame Kathleen Kenyon and John Ward-Perkins , Die Inschrift des Liber Pater-Tempels in Sabratha, Changing townscapes in North Africa from late antiquity to the Arab conquest , Les cités d’Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire , Constantius II. und das Heidentum, Tripolitania. Libya Archaeological Guides., The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, On Roman Time. The Codex-Calendar of 354 and the Rhythms of Urban Life in Late Antiquity
Language: English
Nid: 5131
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Alexander, a man of Semitic origin, has to restore the doors of a temple taken away by the Romans when they retreated from Dura Europos

Bibliographical references:
Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World, The Synagogue. The Excavations at Dura-Europos Conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters: Final Report VIII, Part 1, The Hellenistic settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, Les divinités d'Europos-Doura: personnalité et identité (301 av. N.È.-256 de N.È.), The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report, Vol. 6: The Coins, Inscriptions. I. The Triumphal Arch, Itinera principum: Geschichte und Typologie der Kaiserreisen im Römischen Reich, The Art of Dura-Europos, Soldiers, Cities, and Civilians in Roman Syria, Dura Europos and its Art, Parthian officials in lower Mesopotamia, The Shrine of Epinicus and Alexander, The Population of Roman Dura
Language: English
Nid: 2866
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Les Euryclides en Laconie, The imperial cult in the Peloponnese, Augustus to Nero: A Sourcebook on Roman History 31 BC – AD 68, Hellenistic and Roman Sparta: A Tale of Two Cities , Philhellénisme et impérialisme: aspects idéologiques de la conquête romaine du monde hellénistique, de la seconde guerre de Macédoine à la guerre contre Mithridate, La popularité de Germanicus en Orient: les figures d’un prince héritier sous Tibère, Les dieux et les dieux augustes: le culte impérial en Grèce sous les Julio-claudiens et les Flaviens: études épigraphiques et archéologiques , ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΙΚΑΙ ΕΚ ΓΥΘΕΙΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΛΑΙ ΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑΝ ΤΗΣ ΛΑΚΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΧΡΟΝΟΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΡΩΜΑΪΚΗΣ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΙΑΣ, Inscriptions de Gythion, Divus Julius
Language: English
Nid: 2442
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
The League of Greek Cities in Asia and the assembly and elders of Sardis honour Menogenes for conducting a diplomatic mission in Rome.
Bibliographical references:
Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Greek Inscriptions from Sardes V: Decrees of League of the Greeks in Asia and of Sardians Honoring Menogenes, Decreta pisana: CIL, XI, 1420-21 , Augustus und seine Zeit , Diplomacy as part of the administrative process in the Roman Empire, Zum Gesandtschaftsverkehr griechischer Gemeinden mit römischen Instanzen während der Kaiserzeit, The Emperor in the Roman World: 31 B.C.-A.D. 337 , Princes and Political Cultures: The New Tiberian Senatorial Decrees
Language: English
Nid: 2434
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Grant of Roman friendship and privileges to a group of Greek sea-captains after the Italic war
Bibliographical references:
Foreign Clientelae: 264-70 B.C. , “La liberté des cités et ses limites à l’époque républicaine,” , Les Grecs des cités et l’obtention de la ‘civitas Romana’, The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome, Imperium Romanum: Politics and Administration , Rome, Diplomacy, and the Rituals of Empire: Foreign Sacrifice to Jupiter Capitolinus, Hegemony to Empire: the Development of the Roman Imperium in the East from 148 to 62 B.C. , Senatus consultum de Asclepiade Clazomenio sociisque, Roman Documents from the Greek East
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 2382
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez


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