
Displaying 51 - 100 of 235
Bibliographical references:
Lunensia Erratica, Monument und Inschrift. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur senatorischen Repräsentation in der Kaiserzeit, Votive Offerings to the Emperor, Le epigrafi di Luni romana. I. Revisione delle iscrizioni del Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, The Roman Empire: Augustus to Hadrian , I prefetti nell'amministrazione municipale dell'Italia romana, Esercito romano e società italica in età imperiale, I: i documenti epigrapfici, Mutilation and transformation: damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial portraiture, Corpus de las inscripciones baleáricas hasta la dominación árabe, Insulae Baliares. Le isole Baleari sotto il dominio romano
Language: English
Nid: 5427
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Pontius Pilate und das Tiberieum von Caesarea Maritima, L'iscrizione di Ponzio Pilato: una discussione senza fine?, Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation , The inscriptions of Judea in the 1st and early 2nd century AD as evidence of Roman rule, Rome and Judaea: five lectures on Roman rule in Palaestina, Pontius Pilatus, L’Iscrizione di Ponzio Pilato a Cesarea, Emperor Worship and Roman Religion, Caesaraea’s Master Harbor Builders: Lessons Learned, Lessons Applied?, Studies in Roman Government and Law, The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima, Excavation Reports V: The Greek and Latin inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima , The History of the Jewish People in the age of Jesus Christ 1, Pontius Pilate and the Imperial Cult in Roman Judaea, A new inscription which mentions Pilate as ‘Prefect’
Language: English
Nid: 3505
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Jewish Community of Rome, From the Second Century B.C. to the Third Century C.E., L’iscrizione di Claudia Aster Hierosolymitana, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe. Volume I, Italy (excluding the City of Rome), Spain and Gaul , Foreigners at Rome: citizens and strangers, Where were the Jews of the Diaspora buried?, Claudia Aster and Curtia Euodia: Two Jewish Women in Roman Italy, Juden und Syrer in der römischen Welt
Language: English
Nid: 5202
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Hadrian, The Restless Emperor, Rome. An Oxford Archaeological Guide, Rome and environs. An archaeological guide, Hadrian, the Bar Kokhba Revolt, and the Epigraphic Transmission, “The Bar Kokhba Revolt: The Roman Point of View”, Ein Triumphbogen für Hadrian im Tal von Beth Shean bei Tel Shalem, The Geographical Scope of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, Following Hadrian: a second-century journey through the Roman Empire
Language: English
Nid: 4109
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
A note on the work of Hadrian at Cyrene, Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene, Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire, Hadrian and Cyrene, Le iscrizioni del Cesareo e della Basilica di Cirene, Rome & Jerusalem. The Clash of Ancient Civilizations , Jews in Egypt and Cyrenaica 66-c. 235 CE, La Basilica nel Foro di Cirene, Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil, 116/117 C.E., Ancient Sources and Modern Insights, The History of the Jewish People in the age of Jesus Christ 2, The Hadrianic Inscription from the Caesareum at Cyrene, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations, The World of the Panhellenion: II. Three Dorian Cities
Language: English
Nid: 3909
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt: A Social History, A Tale of Two Monuments: Domitian, Trajan and some Praetorians at Puteoli (AE 1973, 137), The art of forgetting: disgrace and oblivion in Roman political culture , Damnatio Memoriae: une vraie perpétuité, Koptos, Qurneh , Coptos. Hommes et dieux sur la parvis de Geb, Mutilation and transformation: damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial portraiture
Language: English
Nid: 5302
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Thugga et Thamugadi : Exemples de cites Africaines, Remarques sur une inscription de Thugga : le pagus dans la colonie de Carthage au Ier siècle ap. J.C., Epigraphie libyque et punique à Dougga (TBGG), Dougga, Fragments d’Histoire. Choix d’inscriptions latines éditées, traduites et commentées (Ier-IVer siècles), Romanization in the Time of Augustus, Les Ruines de Dougga , Les Fouilles de Dougga en 1919 et le quartier du Forum, Inscriptions de Thugga découvertes en 1910-13, Religion and Authority in Roman Carthage from Augustus to Constantine, Settler and Native in the Urban Centres of Roman Africa
Language: English
Nid: 5493
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Dedicatory inscription recording the building of a chalcidicum, crypt and portico by a prominent citizen Eumachia, and her son Marcus Numistrius Fronto. 

Bibliographical references:
“Women beyond Rome: trend-setters or dedicated followers of fashion?” , Pompeii and Herculaneum. A Sourcebook., "The Forum and its dependencies", Roman Pompeii. Space and Society , Pompeii. Its life and art., Graffiti and the literary landscape in Roman Pompeii, "The date of dedication of the building of Eumachia", "Concordia and Concordia Augusta. Rome and Pompeii", Pompeii. Public and Private Life
Language: English
Nid: 3032
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
“Negotiating Difference: Genital Mutilation in Roman Slave Law and the History of the Bar Kokhba Revolt”, Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae: a multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad; Volume I, part 2 , Revision lateinischer Inschriften aus Jerusalem, From Tiberius to the Antonines: A History of the Roman Empire AD 14-192, The Antonines: the Roman Empire in transition , “The Ban on Circumcision as a Cause of the Revolt. A Reconsideration”, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations
Language: English
Nid: 5946
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Career of Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus, Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus and the Claudian Conquest, King Cogidubnus in Chichester: Another reading of ‘RIB’ 91, Rome and the Friendly King: the Character of the Client Kingship , Britannia: the creation of a Roman province, Fishbourne Roman Palace, The Towns of South-East England, Roman Britain, Rome Against Caratacus: the Roman campaigns in Britain, AD 48-58
Language: English
Nid: 5474
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
A new fragment of Octavian’s Inscription at Nicopolis, Pax and the Politics of Peace: Republic to Principate, Octavian’s Campsite Memorial for the Actian War, Octavian’s Inscription at Nicopolis, The Tropaeum of the Sea-Battle of Actium at Nikopolis: Interim Report, An Archaeological Guide to Nicopolis: Rambling through the Historical, Sacred and Civic Landscape, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Nid: 5517
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Story of the Roman Amphitheatre, Ordo Populusque Pompeianus. Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii., Pompeii and Herculaneum. A Sourcebook., C. Quinctius Valgus, Socer Valgus, Vagii and C. Quinctius Valgus, Pompeii. History, Life and Afterlife, Pompeii's public landscape in the Roman period, New Men in the Roman Senate 139 BC - 14 AD, Pompeii. Public and Private Life
Language: English
Nid: 2687
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Principatus: Études de notions et d'histoire politiques dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine, “The Dynasty of Theodosius”, Le formulaire de l’épigraphie Latine officielle dans l’antiquité tardive, Pax and the Politics of Peace: Republic to Principate, The Western Empire 425–76, Atlas de Rome et des barbares : la fin de l'empire romain en occident, IIIe-VIe siècle, Galla Placidia Augusta: a biographical essay , Attività edilizia monumentale nel centro di Roma nel V sec. D. C. a proposito di una nuova iscrizione del prefetto urbano Rufius Valerius Maximus
Language: English
Nid: 5031
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

The earliest known dedication of the attendants of the cult of Augustan Fortune in Pompeii.

Bibliographical references:
“‘M. Tullius…aedem Fortunae August(ae) solo et peq(unia) sua’: Private foundation and Public Cult in a Roman colony”, Ordo Populusque Pompeianus. Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii., Pompeii and Herculaneum. A Sourcebook., Emperor Worship and Roman Religion, Pompeii. Public and Private Life
Language: English
Nid: 3071
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Inscriptiones Latinae. Eine illustrierte Einführung in die lateinische Epigraphik, Rome. An Oxford Archaeological Guide, Rome and her environs. An archaeological guide, “Entertaining Rome”, Roman Circuses: Arenas for Chariot Racing , The Egyptian and Egyptianizing monuments of imperial Rome , Latin historical inscriptions illustrating the history of the early empire, The Emperor’s Needle: Egyptian Obelisks and Rome , Tituli. Iscrizioni monumentali superstiti di Roma antica
Language: English
Nid: 3124
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Hiérachie de l’empire et image du monde. La face nord-ouest de l’obélisque théodosien à Constantinople, Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius, The Inscriptions, The Obelisk Base in Constantinople: Court Art and Imperial Ideology, Beobachtungen zum Sturz des Tatianus und des Proculus, Zum Theodosiusobelisken in Konstantinopel, Points of View: the Theodosian Obelisk Base in Context, The Emperor’s Needle: Egyptian Obelisks and Rome , Rome and Constantinople: rewriting Roman history during late antiquity
Language: English
Nid: 5169
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Bilingualism and the Latin language, Temples et cultes de Tripolitaine, Il culto della dea Roma. Origine e diffusione nell'Impero , The Imperial Cult in the Latin West, Tripolitania. Libya Archaeological Guides., Due iscrizione imperiali neo-puniche di Leptis Magna, Iscrizioni Puniche della Tripolitania, Il tempio di Roma e Augusto, Romanization in the Time of Augustus, Imperialism, Power and Identity , The Reinvention of Lepcis, L’inscription du culte impérial dans la cité : l’exemple de Lepcis Magna au début de l’Empire, Architettura e societa nelle citta di Tripolitania fra Massinissa e Augusto: qualche nota, I Tre Templi del lato nord-ovest del foro vecchio a Leptis Magna
Language: English
Nid: 5101
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

The dedication of the Temple of Augustan Fortune in the Forum of Pompeii.

Bibliographical references:
“‘M. Tullius…aedem Fortunae August(ae) solo et peq(unia) sua’: Private foundation and Public Cult in a Roman colony”, The Complete Pompeii, Ordo populusque Pompeianus , Pompeii and Herculaneum. A Sourcebook., Pompeii. History, Life and Afterlife, “Urban, suburban and rural religion in the Roman period” , The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus, Pompeii. Public and Private Life
Language: English
Nid: 3057
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Studi sull’epigrafia augustea e tiberiana di Roma , Fasti Hispanienses, Disturbios en la Bética, Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions, vol. I , Baetica Felix: People and Prosperity in Southern Spain from Caesar to Septimius Severus , "Peace and Empire: Pacare, Pacatus and the language of Roman Imperialism", Senadores y caballeros hispanos de época Julio-Claudia: el nacimiento de una aristocracia, Hispani a Roma, A governor of Tarraconensis, Epigraphy and Communities in Early Roman Baetica
Language: English
Nid: 3181
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Bilingualism and the Latin language, L’onomastica nelle iscrizioni puniche tripolitane, Leptis Magna 1900-1975, The Cambridge Manual of Latin Epigraphy , Gli Emporia di Tripolitania dall’ età di Massinissa a Dioclezioano: un profilo storico-istituzionale, Leptis Magna. The Romanization of a Major African City through Burial Evidence, Handbook of Neo-Punic Inscriptions, Tripolitania, The Reinvention of Lepcis, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Roman Theatres: an architectural study
Language: English
Latin, Neo-Punic
Nid: 5242
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Aventicum: eine römische Hauptstadt, Roman inscriptions from the upper agora at Sagalassos, "Peace and Empire: Pacare, Pacatus and the language of Roman Imperialism", Julia Domna: Syrian Empress , “L’imperatore pacator orbis”, Via et Imperium, Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power
Language: English
Nid: 5056
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Preliminary Report of the First Season of Work 1928, Commodus: an emperor at the crossroads, Kaiserfeste der Prinzipatszeit, Princeps a diis Electus: the divine election of the emperor as a political concept at Rome, “L’imperatore pacator orbis”, The Piety of Commodus and Caracalla and the Εἰσ Βασιλέα, Commodus-Hercules in Britain, Commodus the God-Emperor and the Army, Commode et ses épithètes Pius Felix sous les Sévères
Language: English
Nid: 5343
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Theodosius the Great and the regency of Stilico, The prosopography of the later Roman Empire. Vol. 1, A.D.260-395, A History of the Later Roman Empire AD 284-641, Theodosius: The Empire at Bay
Language: English
Nid: 5172
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Bibliographical references:
Julian. An Intellectual Biography, Julian’s pagan revival and the decline of blood sacrifice, Polytheist Religion and Philosophy, Five Latin Inscriptions from Julian’s Pagan Revival, Imperial Rome AD 284-363 : the new empire, Julian, L’Epigrafe di Decio a Cosa e l’epiteto di “restitutor sacrorum”, A History of the Later Roman Empire AD 284-641
Language: English
Nid: 5910
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
La religion en Gaule romaine: Piété et politique (Ier-IIIe siècle apr. J.-C.), Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana at Aricia, La Lex Arae Iovis Salonitanae, Roman Prayer and its relation to ethics, Diana Nemorensis vs. Diana Aventinensis. Priorità cronologica e paradigmi storiografici, Delitto religioso. Qualche indizio sulla situazione in Etruria, Dalmatia
Language: English
Nid: 5581
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Livia. First Lady of Imperial Rome , Empress of Rome. The Life of Livia, Le Culte Impérial dans la Péninsule Ibérique d’Auguste a Dioclétien, The Imperial Cult in the Latin West, Livia and the Roman imperial cult, Emperors and ancestors: Roman rulers and the constraints of tradition, Dynasty and Empire in the Age of Augustus: The Case of the Boscoreale Cups, Livia and the Womanhood of Rome, La religion romaine de Vénus: depuis les origines jusqu'au temps d'Auguste, Augustus and the Family at the Birth of the Roman Empire, Meretrix regina: Augustan Cleopatras
Language: English
Nid: 3159
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Constantin aux Rostres, L’Urbs e il Suburbio, Conservator Urbis Suae: studies in the politics and propaganda of the emperor Maxentius , Imperial Rome AD 284-363 : the new empire, The prosopography of the later Roman Empire. Vol. 1, A.D.260-395, Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, Der genius populi Romani und das Fünfsäulendenkmal der Tetrarchen auf dem forum Romanum
Language: English
Nid: 5147
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The Taurobolium: its evolution and terminology , The Three Phases of the Taurobolium, Women and the Cult of the Magna Mater in the Western Provinces, ‘Initiation’ in the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire, Corpus Cultus Cybelae Attidisque, 5. Aegyptus, Africa, Hispania, Gallia et Britannia , Fremde in Gallien – „Gallier“ in der Fremde. Die epigraphisch bezeugte Mobilität in, von und nach Gallien vom 1. bis 3. Jh. n. Chr.
Language: English
Nid: 5350
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Prolegomena to the Study of the Second Jewish Revolt (A.D. 132-135), Tineius Rufus and Julius Severus, Hadrian, The Restless Emperor, The Roman Government of Britain, The Governors of Roman Syria from Augustus to Septimius Severus, Kaiserliche Imperatorenakklamation und Ornamenta Triumphalia, “The Bar Kokhba Revolt: The Roman Point of View”, Hadrian, the Bar Kokhba Revolt, and the Epigraphic Transmission, Cassius Dio on the Revolt of Bar-Kokhba, The Geographical Scope of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt Against Rome, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations, Journeys of Hadrian
Language: English
Nid: 3933
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
La sinagoga di Ostia. Seconda campagna di scavo, Inscriptions inédites des catacombes juives de Rome, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe. Volume I, Italy (excluding the City of Rome), Spain and Gaul , The Synagogue at Ancient Ostia: the building and its history from the First to the Fifth century, The Oldest Original Synagogue Building in the Diaspora: a response to L. Michael White, Synagogue and Society in Imperial Ostia: Archaeological and Epigraphic Evidence
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 5179
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
L'épigraphie et les débuts du culte impérial dans les colonies de vétérans en Narbonnaise, The Imperial Cult in the Latin West I-II, Narbonne antique: des origines à la fin du IIIe siècle , Emperor Worship and Roman Religion, Entstehung und Bedeutung der Augustalität. Zur Inschrift der ara Narbonensis CIL XII 4333, L'inscription de l'autel de Narbonne et la « Commendatio » des Chevaliers, Recherches sur le culte impérial, Becoming Roman: The origins of provincial civilisation in Gaul
Language: English
Nid: 3192
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Religions of Rome, Volume I: A History , Die Provinziallandtage der römischen Kaiserzeit, Two dedications to Divus Augustus and Diva Augusta from Augusta Emerita and the early development of the imperial cult in Lusitania re-examined, Le Culte Impérial dans la Péninsule Ibérique d’Auguste a Dioclétien, On C.I.L., II, 473, Flamen Augustorum, The Imperial Cult in the Latin West I-II, La Implantación del Culto Imperial de la provincial en Hispania , El Abogado Olisiponense Lucceius Albinus Y Familia, Los Caballeros Procedentes de La Lusitania Romana. Estudio Prosopográfico, Q. (Lucceius Albinus), Flamen Provinciae Lusitaniae? L’origine Sociale Des Flamines Provinciaux de Lusitanie, La onomástica personal pre-latina de la antiqua Lusitania: estudio lingüístico, Religion in the Roman Provinces
Language: English
Nid: 3170
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Les fastes de la Préfecture de Rome au Bas-Empire, L’area centrale del Foro Romano, The prosopography of the later Roman Empire. Vol. 1, A.D.260-395, A History of the Later Roman Empire AD 284-641, Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, A dictionary of Roman coins, republican and imperial
Language: English
Nid: 5205
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine , Les fastes de la Préfecture de Rome au Bas-Empire, Le formulaire de l’épigraphie Latine officielle dans l’antiquité tardive, Les cités d’Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire , Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, Inscriptions latines de l'Algérie. 2, Inscriptions de la confédération cirtéenne, de Cuicul et de la tribu des Suburbures., À propos de l’usurpateur africain L. Domitius Alexander, Coinage and History of the Roman Empire c. 82 B.C.-A.D. 480: Volume 1: History
Language: English
Nid: 5882
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Athanasius and Constantius. Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire, Constantius II: usurpers, eunuchs and the antichrist, Imperial Rome AD 284-363 : the new empire, Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, A dictionary of Roman coins, republican and imperial, From Empire to World State. Ecumenical Language and Cosmopolitan Consciousness in the Later Roman Aristocracy
Language: English
Nid: 5521
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine , Deux Chevaliers de l’époque de la Tétrarchie, Imperial ideology and commemorative culture in the Eastern Roman Empire, 284-450 CE, Imperial Rome AD 284-363 : the new empire, The prosopography of the later Roman Empire. Vol. 1, A.D.260-395, Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, Diocletian and the Tetrarchy , Providentia Aug., Lexicon topographicum urbis Romae, Diocletian and the Roman Recovery
Language: English
Nid: 5136
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284. The Critical Century , Maximinus to Diocletian and the crisis, The Coinage of the Kingdom of Bosporus, A.D. 242-341/342, trans. H.B. Wells, Roman Imperial Titulature and Chronology, The Roman Empire at Bay AD 180–395, Prophecy and History in the Crisis of the Roman Empire. A Historical Commentary on the Thirteenth Sibylline Oracle , Die Schola Principalium in Chersonesos, Tales of the Barbarians: Ethnography and Empire in the Roman West
Language: English
Nid: 5505
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
La curia di Sabratha, Failure of Empire: Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century A.D., Les cités d’Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire , Aspects de l'Afrique romaine : les cités, la vie rurale, le christianisme, Tripolitania, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Die römische Kaiserstatue am Ende der Antike, From Empire to World State. Ecumenical Language and Cosmopolitan Consciousness in the Later Roman Aristocracy
Language: English
Nid: 5525
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Le basi Farnese CIL, VI 198 e 200 e l’altare del Quirinale CIL, VI 199, Indirizzi programmatici e propagandistici nella monetazione di Vespasiano, The Bronze Coinage of Vespasian: Classification and Attribution, Vespasian, A proposito di ‘pax Flavia, I Fori prima dei Fori: storia urbana dei quartieri di Roma antica cancellati per la realizzazione dei Fori Imperiali, Altare con dedica alla Pax Augusta, La base Farnese CIL VI, 196 e il tema della Fortuna Redux nella propaganda di Vespasiano, The Four Urban Tribes and the Four Regions of Ancient Rome, The Voting Districts of the Roman Republic. The thirty-five Urban and Rural Tribes
Language: English
Nid: 3569
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
La propagande impériale aux frontières de l’Empire Romain. Tropaeum Traiani, Tropaeum Traiani. L’ensemble commémoratif d’Adamclisi, Die römischen Denkmäler in der Dobrudscha: Ein Erklärungsversuch, Un fragment necunoscut din inscripţia trofeului de la Adamclisi, Despre inscripţia votivǎ a monumentului triumfal de la Adamclisi, Trajan: Optimus Princeps, Adamclisi. Il programma storico e iconografico del trofeo di Traiano, Imperial Rome and the Christian Triumph: The Art of the Roman Empire AD 100-450 , Das Siegesdenkmal von Adamklissi: Tropaeum Traiani , Les inscriptions votives du monument troimfal d’Adamclisi, Tropaeum Traiani, Tropaeum Traiani, from civitas to municipium, a hypothesis, Dacia. Un mileniu de istorie, 2nd edition , The Lower Moesian Limes and the Dacian Wars of Trajan, Les trophées romains: Contribution à l’histoire de la religion et de l’art triomphal de Rome , Adamklissi, A Synoptic Outlook of Adamklissi Metopes and Trajan’s Column Frieze: Factual and Fanciful Topics Revisited, Trofeul lui Traian II. Monumentele romane , Les guerres daciques de Domitien et de Trajan. Architecture militaire, topographie, images et histoire , Tropaeum Domitiani à Adamclissi (Mésie Inférieure)” , War losses and Worldview: re-viewing the Roman funerary altar at Adamclisi
Language: English
Nid: 3878
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
Bibliographical references:
Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene, Trajan: Optimus Princeps, Recueil des inscriptions concernant les cultes Isiaques (RICIS), The Jewish Revolt in A.D. 115-117, Inscriptions from Jerusalem after the First Revolt (Hebrew), Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil, 116/117 C.E., Ancient Sources and Modern Insights, The Origin of the Third Cyrenaic Legion, Untersuchungen zu den Vexillationen des römischen Kaiserheeres von Augustus bis Diokletian , The History of the Jewish People in the age of Jesus Christ 1, The Jews under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: A Study in Political Relations
Language: English
Nid: 5573
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Delphi grants its local citizenship to a Roman soldier supervising the works sponsored by Hadrian.

Bibliographical references:
Hadrian, The Restless Emperor, Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire, Fouilles de Delphes, Tome III. Epigraphie, Fascicule IV: Les inscriptions de la terrasse du temple et de la région nord du sanctuaire (nos. 87-576), The Delphic oracle, its responses and operations, with a catalogue of responses, Soldier and civilian in the later Roman Empire, Greek Constitutions of Early Roman Emperors from Inscriptions and Papyri , Derniers affichages de l’octroi du droit de cité à l’époque impériale, Frumentarii, the Castra Peregrina and the Provincial Officia, Études anatoliennes recherches sur les inscriptions grecques de l'Asie mineure, Greek and Roman chronology: calendars and years in classical antiquity, Delphi and Olympia: the spatial politics of panhellenism in the archaic and classical periods, Plutarch, Hadrian, and Delphi, Damiurges et épidamiurges à Delphes
Language: English
Nid: 3214
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
The Emperor and the Roman Army: 31 BC - AD 235 , Stabiae romana: la prosopografia e la documentazione epigrafica ; iscrizioni lapidarie e bronzee, bolli laterizi e sigilli , Marines and Mariners in the Roman Imperial Fleets, The Marriage of Roman Soldiers (13 B.C.-A.D. 235): Law and Family in the Imperial Army, The sorts of names used by auxiliaries in the Early Principate, Classes. The Evolution of the Roman Imperial Fleets, The Roman Empire: From Augustus to Hadrian, The Roman imperial navy 31 B.C. – A.D. 324, The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D.
Language: English
Nid: 5249
Realized by:
Caroline Barron
A Roman citizen is considered “father of the synagogue” in Stobi (Macedonia) and donates rooms after conducting his life “according to Judaism.”
Bibliographical references:
The Dynasty of the Jewish Patriarchs, Inscriptiones Stoborum (Studii za starinite na Stobi. Serija monografii ; kniga I), “Apamea and the Integration of a Roman colony in Western Asia Minor”, Oppidum Stobi civium Romanorum et municipium Stobensium, The Dedication of Polycharmos from Stobi: Problems of Dating and Interpretation, Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology in the Diaspora, Journal for the Study of Judaism , Patrie d'origine et patries électives: les citoyennetés multiples dans le monde grec d'époque romaine. Actes du colloque international de Tours, 6-7 novembre 2009 , Die Institution Des Jüdischen Patriarchen: Eine Quellen- Und Traditionskritische Studie Zur Geschichte Des Juden in Der Spätantike, Greco-Roman associations: Texts, translations, and commentary, The Jewish Patriarch (Nasi) in Third Century Palestine, The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand Years , Inscription grecque de Stobi, Archaeology and History at Stobi, Macedonia, Semitic Name-Use by Jews in Roman Asia Minor and the Dating of the Aphrodisias Stele Inscriptions
Language: English
Nid: 4563
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez

An officer of Dura Europos honours Lucius Verus, the emperor who defeated the Parthians and returned Mesopotamia to Roman control.

Bibliographical references:
Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World, Hadrian and Lucius Verus, The Synagogue. The Excavations at Dura-Europos Conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters: Final Report VIII, Part 1, Lucius Verus in the Near East, The Hellenistic settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, Fouilles de Doura-Europos (1922-1923), Rapport sur une nouvelle mission à Sâlihîyeh, Roman Imperial Statue Bases: from Augustus to Commodus, Between Rome and Persia: the middle Euphrates, Mesopotamia and Palmyra under Roman control, Culture and Society in Lucian, Lucian, Fronto, and the Absence of Contemporary Historiography under the Antonines, L’Empereur Lucius Verus. Essai de rehabilitation, The Art of Dura-Europos, Soldiers, Cities, and Civilians in Roman Syria, Dura Europos and its Art, Zeitgeschichte unter den Antoninen. Die Historiker des Partherkrieges des Lucius Verus, The Population of Roman Dura, The Excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters, Final Report V, Part I, The Parchments and Papyri
Language: English
Nid: 4165
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
The governor Sextus Sotidius Strabo Libuscidianus sets the rules for requisitioning official transport and accommodation in the territory of Sagalassos
Bibliographical references:
Das Edikt des Sex. Sotidius Strabo Libuscidianus und die Fasten der Statthalter Galatiens in augusteischer und tiberischer Zeit, Roman Statutes I , Viaggi, trasporti e istituzioni: studi sul cursus publicus , Roman Roads and Milestones: Vol. 3. Milestones, Fasc. 3.6, Lycia and Pamphylia, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum, Transport und Nachrichtentransfer im römischen Reich , Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor , Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor, Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos , The Chora of Sagalassos: the evolution of the settlement pattern from prehistoric until recent times
Language: English
Latin, Greek
Nid: 2460
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez

The provincial governor of Egypt introduces Galba as a saviour of humankind in his response to many petitions sent by the local population

Bibliographical references:
Augustus to Nero: A Sourcebook on Roman History 31 BC – AD 68, Tiberius Julius Alexander, L'Édit de Tiberius Julius Alexander: Étude Historique et Exégétique, The Temple of Hibis in El Khārgeh Oasis. Part II. Greek Inscriptions, Tiberivs Ivlivs Alexander
Language: English
Nid: 2666
Realized by:
Aitor Blanco Pérez
Bibliographical references:
Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt: A Social History, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, Legio X Fretensis. A Prosopographical Study of its Officers I-III c. A.D., Ancient Roman Statutes, Documenti per la storia dell' esercito romano in Egitto, Social Status and Legal Privilege in the Roman Empire , Aspetti della politica orientale di Domiziano, II, Copie d’un édit impériel, The Marriage of Roman Soldiers (13 B.C.-A.D. 235): Law and Family in the Imperial Army, The Roman Empire: Augustus to Hadrian , Zu den Bürgerrechtsverleihungen an Kinder von Auxiliaren und Legionaren
Language: English
Nid: 5438
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Inscribed plaque honouring the achievements of Aeneas. 

Bibliographical references:
“Women beyond Rome: trend-setters or dedicated followers of fashion?” , Pompeii and Herculaneum. A Sourcebook., Descrizione di Pompeii, The First Hall of Fame. A Study of the Statues in the Forum Augustum , Aeneas, Sicily and Rome , Pompeii. Its life and art., “Tabulae Herculanenses I” , “Tabulae Herculanenses II” , "Concordia and Concordia Augusta. Rome and Pompeii", “The Public Life of Monuments: The Summi Viri of the Forum of Augustus” , “Further Studies in Pompeian Archaeology” , Pompeii. Public and Private Life , The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Nid: 3048
Realized by:
Caroline Barron

Inscribed plaque honouring Romulus. 

Bibliographical references:
“Women beyond Rome: trend-setters or dedicated followers of fashion?” , Pompeii and Herculaneum. A Sourcebook., The Art of Persuasion: political propaganda from Aeneas to Brutus , The Imperial Cult in the Latin West, Descrizione di Pompeii, The First Hall of Fame. A Study of the Statues in the Forum Augustum , Pompeii. Its life and art., “Tabulae Herculanenses I” , “Tabulae Herculanenses II” , "Concordia and Concordia Augusta. Rome and Pompeii", “The Public Life of Monuments: The Summi Viri of the Forum of Augustus” , The Museum of Imperial Forums in Trajan's Market , “Further Studies in Pompeian Archaeology” , Pompeii. Public and Private Life , The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
Language: English
Nid: 3050
Realized by:
Caroline Barron


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